2 Down…

Well day school number two is done and I now have another three weeks of free range chaos. Although it has to be said that I do feel a little smug now that I know some people haven’t done as many mini projects as me. It’s not that I want people to struggle or be behind, it just makes me feel better to know where I am in the rankings. Mind you, it could be argued that there’s no point having done all six if they are utter tosh. I’m sure they’re not…maybe…

My next step is the final mini project and then acting on the feedback I’ve received for them. That in itself is going to probably be more of an undertaking than expected, but in a glass half full approach I shall try to use the experience to the benefit of my students when they are going through the same process. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll sulk, and pout and complain that I have no idea what a topic sentence is and then finally get on with it.

After that I need to crack on with the design project. I have some ideas but my main concern is that my ambitions may far outweigh my abilities. If it comes off as I plan I think it will work quite nicely and will actually be something that I will employ in my practice. I was very keen for that to be the case from the start. If I was going to do this module I really wanted to have something tangible at the end of it, and this design project could fit the bill, hopefully.

I found this interesting article when I was doing one of the mini projects and then yesterday at uni we were discussing the use of the term “digital natives” so I thought I’d share it here;


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